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Monday, November 2, 2009

Big Backyard Adventure(not again!)

The Big Backyard Adventure once again,Lilly(krazykitty)won`t leave me alone. Here she comes,doing a flipping, rolling, twisting sort of thing, next time by I`m biting her. I see her in the grass hiding, here she comes again,just as I tried to grab her, that krazy kitty jumped up,then sideways, I never seen anything like that. The thought of getting in trouble never crossed my mind,looking back it was all worth it. Here it comes, oh man I missed that little "AAAAHAH!!%%@%$^^@!#" Knock that off,you little S@#T. When I get hold of you, the Big Backyard won`t be big enough to stop the desire to OH@#@ Dam, I can`t hurt her, I want to hurt her bad. Just let me eat in peace! Lilly! so I grabbed her and laid into her good,now she sits over there while I eat. Darn thought that Krazy Kitty learned, here we go again!YEA! HAW! Take that and that,bet you wished the humans where home. I know theythrow me out to the Big backyard, with no food. NO FOOD!that`s not good, Big Backyard will have to feed SIR Slobbherlots. How to deal with Lilly that Krazy Kitty is a never ending task, always into something, biting someone. I wish they would keep her in the house, so there could be peace in the land of The Big Backyard, where Sir Slobbherlots rules all he see from a top the hot tub. OH! the humans are back gotta go, know she going to tell on me. I will return soon as they go in doors, here we go again!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Teige Sir Slobber

Sir Slobber had a good weekend in his Big Backyard,a party was held.There were lots of people to pet him,and feed him meat! Teige still has that ordeal to contend with,now KrazyKitty is in his Big Backyard. So it looks like Sir Slobber is going up high and watch us,someone started petting Teige, then a funny thing happened,like turning on a faucet he started slobbering all over. Looks like Teige needs some loving,he never comes in the house due to that KrazyKitty. So the party goer wins a Free Audio Book for the name Sir Slobber. We can start video productions on The big Backyard Adventure starring Sir Slobber(Teige)clips of funny cat stuff. Watch Sir Slobber do things to get away from KrazyKitty(Lilly)as she ventures outside to that fun place she never gets to play with Sir Slobber.He would like it if she stayed in the house,she has learned to jump. I`m sure teige thinks there is no place to hide from her. Well Sir Slobber reached out and touched her firmly on top of her head,funny no claws!KrazyKitty ran for home! She was just acting tough and turn tail and ran like a scared little Kitty,we all laughed,no one caught it on tape. Please take time to veiw my other sites. Leave comments or short stories about things with cat that made you also laugh. Thank you for reading.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Funny Adventure in the Big Backyard

Today I saw the funnest thing,Lilly(krazyKitty) received a swim in the pool, that sits in the Big Backyard. When she jumped from the pool soaked,I could not believe the way IT looked! I will try to get My paws on a picture. I had to think"HA!HA!"being glad it was not the cat in the Big Backyard(ME).  Let her have the house,long as I can watch her swim once a week or less. Justice will have then been served(cold),so for now I`ll just swing and wait for something to eat in the Big Backyard. Look its a bird quite,I can,,,,,got it! Maybe Lilly will swim for Me tomorrow,so we can laugh. Please leave comments about user name.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Trouble with KrazyKitty

I have had,nothing but trouble with that Krazy Kitty since it got to My house. Since that very day changed My life,I`m no longer in the house.Every time I try to lay down on the floor in the house,along comes Krazy Kitty tearing up everything in site.Did I happen to say that I was in My house,she came right at me! I STOPPED little Krazy Kitty in her tracks. That then became one of the funniest things I ever saw. She puffed all up and went Krazy Kitty on the stuffed toy in front of me on the floor.That`s when I disappeared,getting back out to My Big Backyard,knowing shes not aloud out of the house, to the Big Backyard. So I`m going to swing for awhile and relax,while I wait for thing to eat wonder by. I`m sure it will happen soon,Quiet, here we go,I talk to ya later!YE HAW!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Teige is Having a Bad Ordeal

Hi, my name is one that was given to me,by my last human. Now my new ones still use it,thought I would get a new name,some thing cool.But you humans don`t have much up stairs if we can`t think of a better name for me What name do you think fits me?Please watch some videos of my Ordeal,HELP PLEASE!I love the great out doors,sleeping under the stars on my swing in the BIG backyard at my house.there is so much to eat here that the mice run to be eaten,birds fall down from the sky,fat and plump,ripe for being dinner.Sleeping is the second best thing in my life,but this new kitten has got to go.I am not talking about the next room,more like cross town. So when you view my Ordeal and videos,Please help me with a cool user name.The name chosen will earn the sender FREE E-Book of they choice.Log on and lets see your names.

Fire Pit in Big Backyard

Fire Pit in Big Backyard
I do so love the fire,warm and smokey

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