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Monday, November 2, 2009

Big Backyard Adventure(not again!)

The Big Backyard Adventure once again,Lilly(krazykitty)won`t leave me alone. Here she comes,doing a flipping, rolling, twisting sort of thing, next time by I`m biting her. I see her in the grass hiding, here she comes again,just as I tried to grab her, that krazy kitty jumped up,then sideways, I never seen anything like that. The thought of getting in trouble never crossed my mind,looking back it was all worth it. Here it comes, oh man I missed that little "AAAAHAH!!%%@%$^^@!#" Knock that off,you little S@#T. When I get hold of you, the Big Backyard won`t be big enough to stop the desire to OH@#@ Dam, I can`t hurt her, I want to hurt her bad. Just let me eat in peace! Lilly! so I grabbed her and laid into her good,now she sits over there while I eat. Darn thought that Krazy Kitty learned, here we go again!YEA! HAW! Take that and that,bet you wished the humans where home. I know theythrow me out to the Big backyard, with no food. NO FOOD!that`s not good, Big Backyard will have to feed SIR Slobbherlots. How to deal with Lilly that Krazy Kitty is a never ending task, always into something, biting someone. I wish they would keep her in the house, so there could be peace in the land of The Big Backyard, where Sir Slobbherlots rules all he see from a top the hot tub. OH! the humans are back gotta go, know she going to tell on me. I will return soon as they go in doors, here we go again!

Fire Pit in Big Backyard

Fire Pit in Big Backyard
I do so love the fire,warm and smokey

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